"The Craft: Rhode Island," a new documentary produced by RI-based media production and marketing firm Eleven Design (Eleven), offers a behind-the-scenes look into Rhode Island’s booming craft beer industry, examining this rich subject matter from a variety of angles and perspectives. The film delves into the personal histories and career paths of a number of our state’s most well-known brewers, the history of Rhode Island’s oldest and still-beloved “craft” brand, Narragansett Beer, the industry’s growing impact on our state’s economy and recent legislative changes that have supported this growth, and, of course, the ins and outs of the brewing process itself.

"The Craft" was recently accepted into the Rhode Island International Film Festival and will be making its world premiere on Saturday, Aug. 10 at 3 p.m. at the RISD Museum's Metcalf Auditorium.


At its heart, "The Craft" is truly a human interest piece and a celebration of local entrepreneurship and artisanship. It is also a tribute to the latest evolution of the culinary inventiveness and excellence that has defined and been a point of pride for Rhode Island for generations.

The Craft Still

Eleven began filming "The Craft" in August 2017 and wrapped in March 2019. Nearly a dozen new breweries have already opened since they began production, in testament to the rapid growth of this booming local industry. Tickets can be purchased online at Brown Paper Tickets.