Meetings Boost RI Economy


DMAI - Destination Promotion

The Catalytic Impacts of DESTINATION MARKETING

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Builds Economic Development

By securing meetings and conventions, DMOs attract the very prospects that economic development agencies target. Not only do these events create valuable exposure among business decision makers, they create direct opportunities for economic development agencies to deepen connections with attendees.

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Building Transportation Networks 

By developing the visitor economy, destination promotion supports transportation infrastructure, providing greater accessibility and supply logistics that are important in attracting investment in other sectors.

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Raising the Quality of Life

Visitor spending helps support a broader and higher quality set of local amenities than an area could otherwise sustain. The cultural, entertainment, culinary, and retail attractions that visitors support make a place more attractive to investors.

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Raising Destination Profile

Destination promotion builds awareness, familiarity and relationships in commercial, institutional and individual networks that are critical in attracting investment.